

ERGO STANDARD Farbvarianten / variations de couleur

Standard Colors

D90 - White

D91 - Platinum gray

D136 - White Oak

D137 - Urban Wood

D138 - Larchwood

D96 - Red

D151 - Butter White

D97 - Black

Special Colors

P61 - White Perla

P63 - Orange Tramonto P82 - Gold Barocco

P86 - Coral Vivaldi

P36 - Red Fiamma

P84 - Red Tiziano

P85 - Metallic Argento P67 - Green Tonico

P70 - Azure Atollo

P81 - Turquoise Marina P83 - Dark Gray

P73 - Black Vulcano

K201 - Cameo white

K202 - Dove

K203 - Raffia

K220 - Mint ice

A80 - Anodized

A82 - Dark gray Met

A83 - Terra gray

A85 - Brillant

T602 - Gray brown

T603 - Gray

I301 - Scotch Brite

I302 - Mirror

I316 - AISI 316

I302 - Mirror

10A EDITION 2024/A22

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